
10 Similarities between Indian Mythology and Greek Mythology | Hindu and Greek Mythology

Hinduism and Greek are the two oldest religions known to mankind, although both religions do not have an established connection with each other. Unexpectedly, the mythology stories told in these two religions have some similarities. Here are some interesting facts you will find common in both religions. 1) The Holy Trinity The presence of the kind of Holy Trinity is found in both religions. In Hinduism Despite all the gods Lord Brahma (The Creator), Lord Vishnu (The Preserver) and Lord Shiva (The Destroyer) are considered the three most important gods. Similarly, in Greek Religion, you have Zeus, Hades and Poseidon who govern the heavens, the underworld, and the seas, respectively. They are considered the three most important gods according to Greek mythology. 2) Zeus and Indra The most important resemblance that comes to anyone's mind is the strange resemblance between Zeus and Indra. Indra and Zeus are King of Gods in their respective religions, and even their weapon is a...

Similarities between Ramayana and Mahabharata | Mythology Stories | Krishna Stories

In Indian Mythology Stories, The Ramayana and the Mahabharata are the two epics that happened in two different eras. The Ramayana occurred is Treta Yuga and the Mahabharata occurred in Dwapara Yuga. They are both stories of the avatars of Lord Vishnu who took birth to end evil and help truth prevail. While these two stories are very different, but there are a lot of similarities between them. Mythology stories website is going to tell you the similarities between Ramayana and the Mahabharata. Similarities between Ramayana and Mahabharata  1)  The birth of Sita and Draupadi  Mythology Stories says that the birth of Sita and Draupadi the heroines of Bodhi epics. That is Sita and Draupadi were not born out of their mother's womb, while Draupadi came out of the sacred fire along with her brother Dhrishtadyumna. Sita was a daughter of the earth. Several stories are revolving around the birth of Sita, the most popular one is this. It is said that Ravana had buried a pot full ...

Why Did Lord Parashurama Kill all Kshatriyas 21 times? | Mythology Stories | Mahabharata | Mahabharata Stories

According to Mythology Stories, Lord Parashuram is considered the sixth incarnation of Lord Vishnu. Lord Parashuram was born to Kshatriya woman Renuka and great sage brahmin Jamadagni. It is said that he was the great devotee of Lord Shiva and he had got so many divine weapons from Lord Shiva. Lord Parashuram is the Lord of Justice, who has killed all Kshatriya's on earth 21 times.  Lord Parashurama with his father Jamadagni at Ashram   But Do you know why Lord Parashuram killed all Kshatriya's?  Kshatriya's were in second place in the Social hierarchy in ancient days of Mahabharata, who were the rulers and warriors of society. Their job is to protect, manage and promote, material wellbeing in society. The Brahmin's were the first of the four classes. It was their job to pray, study, read sacred texts and perform rituals. But the Kshatriya became very adharmic and began to oppress the world. Lord Vishnu then took birth as the son of the sage Jamadagni and his wife Renuk...

7 Indian Mythological characters still alive in Kaliyuga | Mythology Stories

Sanskrit is one of the oldest languages in India, tells us that "Chiran" means long or permanent and "jivi" means living, h ence "Chiranjeevi" means "Immortal". Hindu religious texts describe seven Chiranjeevi's or Immortals who will exist  till the end of Kaliyuga. There is a mantra about seven immortals. This mantra contains 7 names of Cheeranjeevi's. This mantra is recited every day for good luck and long life.  "Ashwatthama Balir Vyaso Hanumanash cha Vibhishana  Krupacharya cha Parashuramam Saptaita  Chiranjeevanam". which means Ashwatthama, Mahabali, Vyasa, Hanuman, Vibhishana, Krupacharya and Parashurama are the 7 immortals still alive in Kaliyuga.   Some religious texts explain that each of these immortal represents an attribute of humanity and their  purpose is to guide Kalki the last avatar of Vishnu.  ASHWATTHAMA Mythological stories say that Ashwatthama born to Dronacharya and Kripi. He is one of the 11 Rudra...