10 Similarities between Indian Mythology and Greek Mythology | Hindu and Greek Mythology
Hinduism and Greek are the two oldest religions known to mankind, although both religions do not have an established connection with each other. Unexpectedly, the mythology stories told in these two religions have some similarities.
Here are some interesting facts you will find common in both religions.
1) The Holy Trinity
The presence of the kind of Holy Trinity is found in both religions. In Hinduism Despite all the gods Lord Brahma (The Creator), Lord Vishnu (The Preserver) and Lord Shiva (The Destroyer) are considered the three most important gods. Similarly, in Greek Religion, you have Zeus, Hades and Poseidon who govern the heavens, the underworld, and the seas, respectively. They are considered the three most important gods according to Greek mythology.
2) Zeus and Indra
The most important resemblance that comes to anyone's mind is the strange resemblance
between Zeus and Indra. Indra and Zeus are King of Gods in their respective
religions, and even their weapon is almost the same. Indra has Thunder as Vajrayudha
and Zeus has Thunderbolt which is nearly identical.
3) Achilles and
Achilles shares the similarities between Krishna, Arjuna and Duryodhana.
Like Zeus
and Indra, Achilles and Karna also share the same similarities. The most striking
resemblance is their armour. Both had a kind of impenetrable armour that almost
made them invincible. Both were one of the most skilled warriors in the
respective epics. Not only that, like Karna, Achilles was also a demigod, and
before the war, their mothers asked them not to participate in the
war. If they reach the epic carefully, we can understand that it was the death
of these two warriors that ultimately led to the end of both wars.
4) Achilles and Krishna
The reason
for the death of Achilles and Krishna was the same. Achilles and Krishna’s heels were
the only vulnerable part of their bodies. Krishna dies when Jara’s arrow penetrates his heel. Achilles dies when Paris’s arrow pierces his heel.
5) Achilles and Duryodhana
Duryodhana got
armour by the blessing of his mother Gandhari. Gandhari had received a boon from
Lord Shiva that when she opened her eyes, anyone, Infront of her their visible body
parts becomes Vajra. Gandhari wanted to
make Duryodhana’s body to Vajra. She asked him to come naked before his fight with
Bhima. But Lord Krishna tricks Duryodhana and ask him to cover his genital
parts and thighs with leaves, Due to that the part which is covered becomes a weak part of his body.
Achilles got
his armour when his mother Thetis had dipped him in the River Styx by holding
his heel and his body became invincible where the water touched except the part
which is held by his mother that is the ankle. This part was the weakest part of Achilles
6) Hades and Yama.
Hades and Yama
are very similar characters. Both are the law of hell, but interestingly, both
simply assign a person space in heaven or hell depending on their deeds.
7) Saptarishis and Seven Sisters
Saptarishis and the Seven Sisters as we have the concept of Saptarishis, they have the concept of seven sisters. According to our epic, the Saptarishis are the seven bright stars that can control even son. In Greek mythology, the Seven Sisters are known as the Pleiades like these Saptarishis, they are also a group of stars.
8) Narada and Hermes
Narada and Hermes both act as messengers and both are children of the two most powerful gods of their respective religions. They share many traits of similar characteristics as well. Sometimes both are shoot and cunning. It is often known that both trick and mislead people with their words.
9) Draupadi and Helen
Draupadi and Helen In Indian mythology, Although Draupadi marries Arjuna, she had some feelings for Karna. In Greek mythology, Helen loves Paris, but she had some feelings for Hector.
10) Dwaraka and Atlantis
In Indian Mythology, Dwaraka is a city built by Vishwakarma, where Lord Krishna lived is submerged in the sea after a war. In Greek Mythology, Atlantis sank into the ocean in a single day of misfortune.
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